This year paper was relatively easy. Though single paper test was retained, this year there were equal distribution of questions 40 each in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as against 40 in Mathematics and 55 each in Physics and Chemistry in 2006. The second difference was uniform marking scheme as compared to the differential marking scheme last year. This year, each question carried 3 marks. The negative marking was 1/3rd. Total marks were 360.
About 50% of the questions in Mathematics and Physics were simple and straight forward requiring direct use of formula/result or law as against 30% in Chemistry. About 60% of questions were not direct or needed a bit more time to arrive at the answer.
Mathematics : Almost all the topics had relatively lesser representation compared to 2006; but Probability and Heights & Distances that did not have any representation in 2006 had representation in 2007. Statistics had more representation in 2007
Physics : Topics like Units, Dimensions and Properties of Matter did not have any representation at all this year. Electrostatics and Magnetic Effects of Current and Earth's Magnetism had almost double the representation, while Current Electricity and Modern Physics had considerably low representation this year.
Chemistry: Predominant part of the paper was General Organic Chemistry. Atomic Structure and Classification, Organic Chemistry Functional Gp. II &III had lower representation. Coordination Compounds & Organo Metallics and Surface Chemistry did not have any representation at all in 2007. However, Biomolecules had a little representation this year while it was totally absent last year.
About 50% of the questions in Mathematics and Physics were simple and straight forward requiring direct use of formula/result or law as against 30% in Chemistry. About 60% of questions were not direct or needed a bit more time to arrive at the answer.
Mathematics : Almost all the topics had relatively lesser representation compared to 2006; but Probability and Heights & Distances that did not have any representation in 2006 had representation in 2007. Statistics had more representation in 2007
Physics : Topics like Units, Dimensions and Properties of Matter did not have any representation at all this year. Electrostatics and Magnetic Effects of Current and Earth's Magnetism had almost double the representation, while Current Electricity and Modern Physics had considerably low representation this year.
Chemistry: Predominant part of the paper was General Organic Chemistry. Atomic Structure and Classification, Organic Chemistry Functional Gp. II &III had lower representation. Coordination Compounds & Organo Metallics and Surface Chemistry did not have any representation at all in 2007. However, Biomolecules had a little representation this year while it was totally absent last year.